American Bright Dental
Dr. Ana Maria Collantes
Creating Beautiful Smiles.
Call: (661) 945-2645

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Read what other patients have said about us:

Jo k, lancaster

The dentist is very gentle and very caring. There is a wait because it is a busy clinic to find out many patients like them a lot but when the dentist attended to me she made sure i was treated well and got the teeth treatment i needed.

Jack k, lancaster

Very gentle hands and worth the wait. I don't like dentist because of childhood experiences. My childhood dentists are like butchers when they pull my teeth. Dr. Collantes came to the room and explained to me how it will be done step by step. Good explanation. Here comes reality!!! The needle but before the need a gel. When she placed in the needle some shaking in the area and i closed my eyes. Wow!!! I felt the prick and it was painless. She let the time go by a little and then the moment of truth...wait, it's done? That tooth gave me a lot of pain and now it's gone without me knowing it and painless??? Wow!!! She will be my DENTIST and will come back!!! Gentle hands and worth the wait from a crowded busy dental office.

Jack, Ken

I had a good experience with the doctor and staff. They are caring, friendly, efficient and professional. Dr. C, thank you very much. See you soon.